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Jesus study numero dos??

Hey girls! I’ve ordered three books to get ahead of what’s next to study! I’m posting three options! Y’all please leave feedback on what YOU need more. This is all about growing our hearts TOGETHER. I want to meet you right where you are, whatever season, and help each of you (and me) grow there! I’ve done some research and I think any of these three would be an awesome new study! Read the summaries and let me know what y’all think! 1.

“As Christians, we are not promised lives of ease. Often it takes just a small moment of beauty to regain hope and continue on when life is chaotic and unpredictable. Only when we learn to spot the lovely in the midst of hardship can we experience the transcendent peace of God that keeps us persevering when we want to give up. In this 7-session Bible study, Annie F. Downs examines the ordinary people of the Bible–fishermen, gardeners, women, soldiers–to reveal the moments they found beauty in the darkest circumstances and hope in God’s timing. Because they trusted in this: He makes everything beautiful in His time.” 2.

“In seven sessions, Seamless covers the people, places and promises of the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. Participants will gain an overarching understanding of the fundamental layout and meaning of God s Word. Seamless helps replace insecurity that holds participants back with clarity and helping them move forward with confidence in their understanding of Scripture. Each week of study features key information that ties all of scripture together into the seamless truth of the gospel message and is accompanied by maps, general Bible facts, and word studies.” 3.

“You don’t have anything to prove. Too many of us walk through life feeling as if we don’t measure up. We always seem to thirst for more. We think if we could only work harder or be better, we could be enough. But the truth is, we will never be enough. And thankfully, we don’t have to be. In this 8-session study, Jennie Allen walks through key passages in the Book of John to demonstrate how only Jesus is enough. We don’t have to prove anything because Jesus has already proven everything. Discover how our thirsty hearts can only be quenched by the living water.” Personally, I feel like we’re going to have a hard time topping The Armor of God; I’ve so enjoyed this time with y’all, and I hope you have too! I can’t wait to see what’s next! PS- if you don’t feel comfortable commenting in the group, you can contact me through contacts on the website or my cell is 662-418-0127! Happy Sunday!

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