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Satan Knows

Writer's picture: Katie SandersKatie Sanders

I let my kids stay home from school today. We’re still in our pajamas. We ate honey buns for breakfast. Call it irresponsible, maybe it is. There’s a million other things I need to be doing today as we prepare to move into our new home, but instead I gave horsey rides. I colored “in our bibles” (Gracie doesn’t understand the concept of a coloring book, it’s all bibles since that what her mom colors in). I gave “hairplane” rides and ate gummies instead of fruit. Today I filled my cup because the last several weeks I’ve let Satan steal at my soul. Y’all the mind is the devils biggest play ground. One tiny seed of doubt placed by Satan on the right day, at the exact right- already vulnerable time and then devil has won- in our marriages, in our homes, in our workplace, in ourselves. I would swear that Jesus tells my husband days before, “Hey man, could you put this little bug in Katie’s ear for me today? I’m going to talk to her about it, but you know how she can be sometimes.” I can see my husband as he nods in approval knowing exactly ‘how she can be’ and then acts in obedience. I’ve been busy with work, Tired and worn down emotionally and physically- as mom, as wife, and just so inadequate with my faith over the last (I’m ashamed to say) month. You know? All those things you are too because are there really enough hours in the day? I remember when it turned for me now, looking back but it wasn’t until a very serious sit down with my husband and two days later with Jesus that I fully understood why. The conversation went like this. “Do you not see the pattern, baby? You feel down on yourself over weight, you feel negatively about work, you feel like you’ve failed at your task as a wife, you feel like you fall short some days as a mother.” These are all things I feel in relation to the things I compare myself to. These are the things that the world tells me I am less than. These are the things I have let emotionally wear me down, making less time to be present in my calling. Making less time to be present with Jesus, even present with you. Satan knows. Satan knows your desire to have the family like hers. Satan knows that you want your house tucked away ever so neatly for company. Satan knows that your coffee has been minimal and so are your nerves. And so he waits. And waits. Until the time is perfectly imperfect and he plants a seed. If you are not very careful in your thinking, even while firm in your faith, that seed will grow too. What has life taught you about weeds in a flower bed? If you don’t pick them out, they will devour what it good, what is purposeful. And y’all it’s with tears in my eyes that I tell you that is a real thing. Satan rules the world, but Jesus chooses you- even when we lose sight of Him, live in opposition of Him, let darkness crowd Him out, He never loses claim to us. We are His. I’ve told you the bug from my husband; here’s the word from God. “Gather the elders and all of the inhabitants of the land to the house of the Lord YOUR God, and cry out to the Lord.” Joel 1:14 “The seed shrivels under the clods, the store houses are desolate; the granaries are torn down because the grain has dried up” Joel 1:17 To you that may look like some of that thoust and shan’t Old Testament scripture, but it was conviction for my heart. Satan planted a seed in me of inadequacy. It’s one of his favorites so it’s safe to assume that you too have let this grow in your life. Feelings of less than, the poison of comparison. What is torn down is because of what has been dried up. This is why it is absolutely necessary that we, every single day without fail and with fortitude, seek the kingdom. SPEND TIME WITH JESUS because you can be sure Satan is spending time with you and ladies you are MORE. When your faith is dry the destination is defeat. You will be torn down because Satan knows all of the right ways to tear you apart and Jesus cannot fight for those He does not know. KNOW Jesus, y’all. Don’t just read about Him or hear about Him or send prayers to Him. KNOW HIM. Come to me. Today, yesterday, tomorrow I am YOUR God. And her God and her God. I am personal to you, to her, to everyone who calls my name I am precisely anything and everything You need individually. Cry out to me. Cry. Leave the rehearsed and fancy words for a term paper, y’all. Jesus don’t care about your vocabulary; He cares about your heart. Give Him your emotions. Give Him your feelings. He wants rawness, He wants real. In the Old Testament times people tore their clothes as a sign of mourning. “Tear your hearts, not just your clothes, and return to the Lord your God. For he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in faithful love, and he relents from sending disaster” Joel 2:13 Here he said keep your clothes on girl, tear your heart up instead. I don’t want your clothes, I want YOU. Hearts bleed, baby. Let it pour, that’s it’s purpose. Spill it all at my feet, come back. Over and over and over, run back to me. I forgive you, I care for you, I’m not mad at you, I’m never out of love for you, and I only want what’s best for you- that will always be me. Today, I chose to not compare myself to any other mom. Today I chose to give Satan no seat. Jesus has the whole couch, I even gave Him a blanket in hopes that he would stay, but when he doesn’t? When I feel torn down again? I’ll know it’s a direct result of which seed in my garden I let dry up. It will be my fault, and so I’ll run back, not to all of the things I wish I were, but to the One that tells me I don’t have to be. Hugs and Blessings

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